113學年宿舍抽籤結果及相關作業公告Announcement of Dormitory Drawing Results and Related Procedures for the Academic Year 113

發佈單位 : 住服組 發佈者 : 張家銘約用助理員



2.中籤同學請於3月26日12:00至4月8日中午12:00前 線上填寫中籤床位住宿意願。逾期未填者將自動放棄床位(含保障生),並且不會列入候補名單!











住宿輔導辦法請詳見 https://housing.ncnu.edu.tw/p/405-1014-1154,c109.php?Lang=zh-tw

8.自112學年第2學期起配合行政院政策,補助所有本國籍校內住宿生學期住宿費,補助一般生 5000 元、低收與中低收入戶資格者 7000 元,若因故未住滿整學期(含私人原因、休退學、畢業、肄業等),退宿時須按比例繳回補助款。




Please refer to the attached document for the results.

Students who were drawn are required to fill out their accommodation preferences for the bed assigned to them from March 26th, 12:00 PM to April 8th, 12:00 PM.

Those who fail to fill out the form by the deadline will automatically forfeit their bed space and will not be included in the waiting list.

Link for submitting accommodation preferences for the 113th academic year: Check your Webmail inbox for a personalized link. *This link is personalized and cannot be shared with others.

For information regarding bed space waiting list, please click the following link: https://housing.ncnu.edu.tw/p/404-1014-18904-preview.php?Lang=zh-tw

*Students who did not participate in the lottery in March and do not have a waiting list number will be placed on the bed space waiting list in order of registration time by the Housing Office, but the waiting list number will always be after the last student with a waiting list number from the March bed space lottery.

For students who wish to rent off-campus housing, please visit the Student Safety and Counseling Center website - Off-Campus Housing Section or Cloud Renting Life Website (https://house.nfu.edu.tw/NCNU) for details on renting precautions and related information.

Students accommodated in the current academic year who violate dormitory regulations and fail to complete the required dormitory service hours by the specified deadline will have their accommodation for the 113th academic year revoked.

For students who violated Article 14 of the Guidelines for Student Dormitory Counseling in the 112th academic year, regardless of the disciplinary action being eviction or other discount methods, their eligibility for accommodation in the 113th academic year will be canceled.

For the Accommodation Counseling Regulations, please visit: https://housing.ncnu.edu.tw/p/405-1014-1154,c109.php?Lang=zh-tw

If for personal reasons or other factors individuals cannot check into the dormitory, please notify via email (cmchang@ncnu.edu.tw) to forfeit accommodation for the academic year 113 before 5:00 PM on May 24th (Friday). Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the NT$2,000 deposit and future accommodation requests will not be considered.

The dormitory application for new graduate students for the 113 academic year will be announced separately in early April. Please stay tuned to the latest updates on our official website.