
發佈單位 : 住服組 發佈者 : 羅組長


  1. 公益服務生每學年服務合計達72小時(一學期36小時),且通過考核者,即可獲得下學年保留床位。
  2. 宿舍公益服務生工作內容依住服組視實際需求安排分配,恕不接受公益服務生挑選工作內容。無法配合規範者請勿申請。
  3. 自行參加床位抽籤獲床位者,視為放棄公益服務生身分,且不得保留已服務之時數。
  4. 113學年度公益服務生申請表(請至住服組網頁最新消息下載)填寫後,請於10/21(一)前送交住服組(男大1樓服務中心或行政大樓1樓住服組)。
  5. 住服組將於10/25(五)17:00前公告錄取名單,10/30(三)12:30於人文學院B01-2教室召開說明會,請務必出席並全程參與,否則取消申請資格

Public Service Student Applications for the 113th Academic Year Now Open

Public Service Students must complete a total of 72 service hours each academic year (36 hours per semester) and pass assessments to retain their dormitory spots for the next academic year.

The work assignments for dormitory public service students will be arranged by the Housing Service Office based on actual needs, and students cannot choose their work content. Those unable to comply with these regulations should not apply.

Students who participate in the dormitory room lottery and are allocated a bed will be considered to have forfeited their public service student status and will not be able to retain their completed service hours.

After filling out the 113th Academic Year Public Service Student Application Form (available for download on the Housing Service Office webpage), please submit it to the Housing Service Office (Men’s University Service Center on the 1st floor or Housing Service Office on the 1st floor of the Administration Building) by October 21 (Monday).

The Housing Service Office will announce the list of accepted applicants by 5:00 PM on October 25 (Friday). An orientation will be held on October 30 (Wednesday) at 12:30 PM in Room B01-2 of the College of Humanities. Attendance is mandatory; failure to attend will result in disqualification of the application.