113學年宿舍選填室友申請 Application of 113 Academic Year Dormitory Roommate

發佈單位 : 住服組 發佈者 : 張瀞文約用助理員


Application of 113 Academic Year Dormitory Roommate

  • 申請時間Application time


June 11th 12:00 to July 31st12:00 2024

  • 申請方式Application method:                                                                                                                               


                  Apply online, please nominate a representative to the link to fill out the form and upload Student ID or other identification documents for oneself and other roommates Online.

       線上申請表單連結→ https://reurl.cc/bVxO4r(系統自6/11中午12:00開放至7/31中午12:00)(System will open from June 11th 12:00 to July 31st12:00)

  • 說明Instruction
  1. 已獲得113學年宿舍床位且選填室友為同分配房型者,請以2人或4人為單位申請大學部宿舍若以2人為申請其餘2名室友,由住服組安排

         Those who have obtained dormitory bed for the 112 academic year and choose roommates with the same room type,please apply in units of 2 or 4 people. If 2 people apply, the remaining 2 will be arranged by Student Dorm Service Section.

  1. 若以3人為單位進行申請,住服組恕不受理

            Groups of 3 people will not be accepted

  1. 寢室號碼統一由住服組安排,不得挑選寢室

The room number will uniformly arranged by the administrator, cannot be selected.

  1. 7月31日之後,尚在等待備取宿舍者,因作業期程因應不及,無法受理選填室友申請(即使後來備取上宿舍也無法受理,請見諒)

        After July 31th, those alternate candidate who are still waiting for the dormitory room,will not be able to accept the application for roommate selection,due to the lack of time in the work schedule.

        (Even if alternate success later, it will not be accepted. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.)

  1. 未依上述規定申請之表單視同無效

           If didn’t follow the rule to apply, your Application will not be useful.

  1. 建議使用電腦頁面進行表單填寫,避免證件照片無法依手機格式順利上傳  

           Recommended use PC to fill the form to avoid upload wrong format.



                           Section of Student Dormitory Service 2024.06.06