
發佈單位 : 住服組 發佈者 : 洪萱恩校聘助理

Winter Vacation Accommodation Application Process for the Semester 112-1


1. 至住服組網頁=>宿舍生活=>寒暑假住宿申請=>下載寒假住宿申請表,請詳閱表上說明並填寫完畢。

Visit the Section Of Student Dormitory Service website => Dormitory Life (宿舍生活)=> Winter and Summer Break Accommodation Application (寒暑假住宿申請表)=> Download the Winter Vacation Accommodation Application Form(112-1校內學生寒假住宿申請表.doc). Please read the instructions on the form carefully and complete it.

2. 將申請表格送宿舍服務中心(男大宿1F)或住服組審核,審核通過即開立住宿繳費單。

Submit the application form to the Dormitory Service Center (1st floor of Men's Dormitory Building) or the Section Of Student Dormitory Service for review. Once approved, an accommodation payment invoice will be issued.

3. 於平日9:00-16:00持住宿繳費單至行政大樓1樓出納組繳費。

On weekdays between 9:00 and 16:00, bring the accommodation payment invoice to the Cashier's Office on the 1st floor of the Administration Building to make the payment.

4. 進宿時,持繳費收據到服務中心依程序在寒假進住名冊簽名。

Upon moving in, present the payment receipt to the service center and follow the procedures to sign the check-in register for the winter break.


※ Please Note ※


Carefully read the contents of the application form.


Application Period:


Acceptance begins on December 11, 112th year, and the deadline is 16:00 on December 25, 112th year (an additional administrative processing fee of 100 NT dollars will be charged for late payments or late applications for winter break accommodation). Each person is limited to one application, and continuous uninterrupted accommodation is allowed.


For those who check out after the specified time (or application period), fees will be charged based on the number of days delayed, and payment must be made to the Cashier's Office within two weeks from the completion of the check-out.



Section Of Student Dormitory Service